
Showing posts with the label stock forecast

How to Invest in Mutual Funds? म्युचुअल फंड क्या है?

How to invest in mutual funds :  आज के समय में हर कोई सेविंग करना चाहता है और सेविंग करने के लिए म्यूचुअल फंड सबसे ज्यादा बेस्ट माना गया है म्युचुअल फंड की मदद से आप अपना पैसा सुरक्षित भी कर सकते हैं और साथ-साथ इसमें अच्छा खासा ब्याज भी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। इंडिया में 50% से अधिक लोग अब म्युचुअल फंड में इन्वेस्ट करना पसंद कर रहे हैं क्योंकि इन्वेस्ट करने के लिए एफडी से ज्यादा म्युचुअल फंड में भरोसा किया जा रहा है बहुत सारे लोगों को पता नहीं है कि म्यूचुअल फंड में इन्वेस्ट कैसे किया जाता है और इन्वेस्ट करने का सही तरीका कौन-कौन सा है। आज के आर्टिकल में हम आपको बताने वाले हैं कि आप म्युचुअल फंड में इन्वेस्ट कैसे कर सकते हैं और कौन-कौन से प्लेटफार्म में म्युचुअल फंड में इन्वेस्ट करने के लिए सबसे बेस्ट है। What is a Mutual Fund? म्युचुअल फंड में इन्वेस्ट करने से पहले आपको म्युचुअल फंड के बारे में जानकारी होनी चाहिए म्युचुअल फंड एक ऐसा इन्वेस्टमेंट प्लेटफार्म है जहां पर बहुत सारी कंपनी के स्टॉक होते हैं और म्युचुअल फंड वाली कंपनियां इन सभी स्टॉक में अपना पैसा शॉर्ट टर्म और लॉन्ग टर्म के...

Apple stock price prediction 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, to 2040

Before buying, holding, and selling any stock, one must know the forecast price of that stock, our apple stock price prediction article is based on analysts, This aapl price prediction is prepared according to the technical analysis of Apple Inc company and graph analysis of past apple stock etc., Apple Inc company has given good returns to its stockholders and in the future people expect good returns from the stock of this company, Apple NASDAQ: AAPL stock price historical overviews All the products of Apple Inc company are obtained at a good price with good quality and this always benefits the company’s business, so investors are preferring to buy aapl stock like apple products, Its share price was 0.070 USD on 26 March 1982, after that in November 2004 aapl share price was seen above 1 USD, If you look at the historical price of Apple’s past stock, you will find that its stock has seen a steady rise since 2004, After some fall in aapl stock, bounced again and in March 2...

Rivian stock price prediction 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, to 2040

Read this Rivian Stock Price Prediction article to know how much return investors will get from Rivian Automotive Inc Company stock in the future, This Rivian stock price forecast article is according to Rivian Automotive Company’s technical analysis, historical stock price, analyst rating, investments, financial overview, etc. Rivian Inc. company overview It was founded in 2009 by Robert ‘RJ’ Scaring and is an EV automaker that works on automotive technology, Rivian is headquartered in Irvine, California, and the company has manufacturing facilities in major cities such as British Columbia, and Michigan, As of the 2022 report, Rivian has approximately 10,422 full-time employees. This company manufactures and sells Electric Vehicles like SUVs (Sports Utility Vehicle), Pickup Truck, etc on-road, off-road and as per requirement, Rivian company has many features of vehicles like trucks etc, due to which this company remains in the headlines, Rivian Automotive Inc, NASDA...

GBP to USD forecast 2022 to 2040 by Forex experts

There are more than 180 currencies in the world, including GBP and USD currencies are already traded in the market, with GBP to USD forecast, you will be able to trade forex easily, This GBP USD long-term forecast article is written according to forex trading analysis, historical prices, analysts, etc. You can earn money by Forex trading from our given gbpusd prediction here from 1 GBP to USD forecast data according to smart technical analysis etc. GBP to USD History If we talk about 1 GBP to USD historical rates, then the trade of these two currencies started in about April 1982, then GBP to USD rates was about 1.78 United States Dollar, On 8 March 1985, the 1 GBP to USD price fell to 1.06 USD, this is the lowest level of these two currencies, after that in February 1991, both these currencies traded again at 1.99 USD, Historical price of 1 GBP to USD 2021 Months gbp usd expectations January 2021 lower price – 1.36 USD medium price – 1.36 USD highest price – 1.37 USD...

Silver price prediction 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, to 2040

This article has been written keeping in mind the investors who are investing in the commodity, here are the silver price prediction data, according to which you can plan your investment, Here are the future silver price predictions by analyzing SI commodity experts, historical data, market monetary policy, US dollar value, etc. About Silver It is a chemical element with atomic number 47 and the symbol Ag, with the melting point of SI at 1,763°F (961.8°C). The price of silver is known as per ounce, the price of silver is known as per gram and the price of silver is known as per kg, According to experienced investors, silver has value as both an investment and monetary metal. It is a solid investment in that the value of collectible coins varies depending on the demand, condition, and rarity of silver. According to the government, the value of money fluctuates so silver is an international way to store value, people invest in silver and gold as well as precious metals like platinum an...

Pound to INR forecast 2022 to 2040 by analysts

plan your investments according to our pound to INR forecast , In this article, we have also given the last pound to INR historical prices so that you can plan your investment Talking about the last one pound in rupees , on 1 May 2022, 1 pound in rupees closed at around Rs 96.38, which came to Rs 95.58 on 2 May 2022, pound to INR forecast 2022 to 2040 Earlier, on 13th April 2022, the price of the Pound to INR was seen at Rs 99.84 and on 28th April 2022 the price of a Pound to INR came close to Rs 95.43, Pound to INR currency overview This rupees and pound currency started trading in 1995, then pound to rupee price was 51.17 which increased to around 100.20 rupees in April, May 2022, Historical price of pound to rupees 2021 January 2021 lower price – 99.35 INR medium price – 99.48 INR highest price – 99.96 INR February 2021 lower price – 99.97 INR medium price – 99.99 INR highest price – 102.50 INR March 2021 lower price – 99.92 INR medium pr...